Pressure Kleen Gum Powerwashing
Living in a city means living near lots of people. Lots of people means lots of foot traffic, and can also sometimes mean gum on the sidewalk outside of your business. When someone spits or drops gum on the sidewalk, that gum can stay there for years, building up all manner of dirt, germs and grime. Passersby may not realize, but keeping the sidewalk outside of your business clean shows your customers that you are committed to maintaining a hygienic, comfortable environment.
That’s why Pressure Kleen Powerwashing Service offers concrete maintenance services. Just as you want to help your customers with your business, our business is to help you. Caked-on gum is no match for the heat and pressure of our cleaning equipment, or the expertise of our technicians!
After our services, dirty, gum-encrusted sidewalks with look as fresh and bright as the smile on your face when you see our work–or the smiles of your employees when they help your customers. Don’t let the outside of your business be a health and safety issue, and don’t let caked-on gum be a stain on your reputation.